Author: Rick Knutsen
Rick spent 20 years in the insurance industry in finance, primarily developing reporting platforms for B & C stakeholders.
His ability to speak to consumers of data (managers and analysts) and translate their needs to programmers led him to start his own digital marketing agency in 2004 to develop data driven solutions for business owners.
He holds a Masters of International Management from the Thunderbird School of Global Management in Arizona.
One of the biggest challenges facing inbound marketers is determining Return on Investment. Previously, benefits like brand recognition,...
Inbound marketing resources – What your customers are trying to teach you
Inbound marketing is the buzz phrase right now, proving itself to be the tried and trusted approach to marketing since 2006. When it comes to...
Public relations and inbound marketing (owned vs. earned)
There are two types of content created for media, owned media and earned media. Owned media is the type of content that is controlled by the...
Moving from networking to internet marketing to inbound marketing
Marketing isn’t the same as it used to be. These days, you can’t just buy a newspaper ad or a television commercial and expect people to...
How to measure the success and ROI of your inbound marketing campaign
Business owners need to measure the return on investment of their marketing campaigns, and inbound marketing campaigns are no different....
Should paid search be a part of your inbound marketing campaign?
Most business owners who are interested in launching an inbound marketing campaign aren’t necessarily interested in spending money on paid...
Inbound marketing and your Atlanta business: Why you need to know where your leads are coming from
Is your Atlanta business interested in inbound marketing? This type of marketing strategy ensures that clients come to you, but an important...
How can an inbound marketing checklist benefit your Atlanta company?
Inbound marketing strategies in Atlanta put business owners in the ideal position: it gives them the campaigns they need to get clients...
Mobile marketing in Atlanta: How to encourage your customers to sign up for your mobile loyalty program and download your app
Do you need mobile marketing advice for your Atlanta business? In this day and age mobile events and campaigns are powered by mobile apps as...